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Does your dog suffer from food allergies?  

We wish we could take all the credit for our 100% Natural Bison Rawhide Chew Treats, but nature did all of the work when it gave us the “Monarch of the Plains” – the majestic American bison. We were just fortunate to be in the right position to develop an all-natural, high-quality product from the bison rawhide that had been going to waste up until then.

 We regularly receive letters and comments from our customers (you can read some of them by clicking on “Customer Letters” to the right) who have dogs that suffer from beef, chicken, pork, and grain allergies reporting that their dogs had no allergic reactions to our bison rawhide chews. Your dog may once again be able to enjoy the teeth-cleaning, shoe-saving pleasure of a rawhide chew!

If you have a story about our Bison Rawhide Chews, please send them to me at: